Nova Smar concludes SIPAT 2024

On 09/13/2024, CIPA, the Human Resources, Health and Safety at Work Departments at Nova Smar held the closing ceremony of SIPAT 2024. The event took place in the afternoon at the Sertãozinho Band Hall. Engineer and Consultant Nilton Brito gave a talk on “Motivation for Safety - Promoting Active Care”.

The closing event also included prizes through a Quiz and Bingo Rounds, awarding vouchers to three winners in each dynamic.

“It was inspiring to see how much Nova Smar has invested in the well-being of its employees and treating the issue of health and safety as a major lever for business results!” said Nilton Brito.

According to Nilton Brito, it was a great honor and an unparalleled opportunity to participate and give the lecture at the end of this great event. “I thank Nova Smar for being able to contribute in some way and motivate people to take care of themselves, their colleagues and allow themselves to be taken care of,” concluded Nilton Brito.