Nova Smar participates of several activities in Malaysia

During the week of July 8th to 12th, Nova Smar was represented by Octávio Paschoal, Electronic Intelligence Agent, in several appointments in Malaysia.

At first, it was held a business meeting with the companies Mogbiss (Malaysia) and Majulah Controls (Singapore), which are Smar agents on the Asian Southeast area. This meeting had the aim to address the whole Smar products line, in order to strengthen the relation with the agents and to foment new business opportunities.

After that, it was presented the roadmap and the achievements of the O-PAS (Open Process Automation Standard) technology development to the Petronas GTS (Global Technical Solutions) engineering team. Petronas is a global giant company, mainly on Oil & Gas market, and is settled as a very active player on OPAF as end user. This presentation enabled several opportunities of Smar O-PAS system application along Petronas.

Last but not least, Nova Smar participated of DMS Universe Malaysia – Instrumentation, Control & Automation Galaxy Forum conference as exhibitor, introducing the O-PAS demonstration kit features to the visitors, which became very enthusiastic about having a practical vision of the technology.