Relations with Investors 2020

Some people dream of success

We work every day to conquer it.

Dear stakeholder;

We make available the audited Financial Statements for the year 2020 of the company Nova Smar S.A.

The year 2020 was marked in the history of all nations by the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Countries above and below the equator saw the drastic effects on their economies and especially their populations.

In view of this universal context, entrepreneurs from the most varied sectors saw their revenues decrease instantly, input prices rose above expected standards, and the profitability of the vast majority of companies reached very low levels. The Brazilian GDP decreased by more than 4.0% compared to 2019.

Nova Smar, like many companies, needed to review expansion plans and position itself aggressively in the face of opportunities in order to keep up with the pace of growth.

Fortunately, as a result of our combined efforts in operations, in the market, and in the conduction of our growth plans, it was possible to generate more wealth. This result ennobles our ideals, because we understand that it was possible to continue building a successful path even in the face of an ocean of adversity.

Nova Smar's Net Operating Revenue in 2020 grew 32% compared to 2019, totaling more than 57 million reais. Compared to 2018, the revenue shows an increase of 184%.

The net profit for the year grew around 80% compared to 2019. In 2018 the profit generated totaled around 604 thousand reais, while in 2020, the total net profit reached 5.4 million reais.

The debt between the years 2019 and 2018 was reduced considerably, which denotes the clear formation of operating cash between the years, going from just over 365 reais in cash to the amount of over 2 million reais.

The Financial Statements for the 2019 and 2020 fiscal years are available in this section:

  • Balance Sheet;
  • Statement of Income for the Year;
  • Statement of Comprehensive Income;
  • Statement of Cash Flow;
  • Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity and Explanatory Notes.

It is important to highlight that the financial statements were duly audited by an auditing company certified by CMV (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários), even though there is no legal requirement, according to Law 11.638/07 and Law 6.404/76.

Relations with Investors